How to Create a Quiz for Your Blog or Brand

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Disclosure: I received a free subscription to the Interact Quiz Builder for purposes of this review. All favorable opinions are my own.

Why some bloggers succeed and others don't.

If you are looking for a unique way to grow your email list or to engage your followers, you may want to create a quiz.

I was given the opportunity to test out a quiz platform called Interact ( in exchange for this review and I am so impressed with the possibilities that it offers.

Why Create A Quiz

Growing your mailing list is a big part of blogging. But it is easier said than done.

Typically, bloggers offer a free download or printable to entice readers to sign on to their mailing list.

It is a solid strategy (I do it, too) but it is reaching a certain saturation point. I don’t know about you, but my computer is cluttered with great information that I just don’t have the time to read or process – no matter good it is.

So, bloggers, this is why you should creat a quiz.

A Quiz is a Novelty

First, offering a quiz to your readers is a relatively new way to engage your audience.

Every other blogger in the world is not doing it. So, you have an opportunity to charm your audience and grab their attention.

A Quiz Provides Instant Gratification

When you take a quiz you are engaging with the information immediately. You are not downloading a PDF into the depths of your hard drive.

A Quiz Requires you to Invest Your Time

By answering the questions in a quiz, your readers have invested some time into what you are offering.

What they then want is the answers.

As a marketer, this is where you make your ask. “If you’d like to see your answers – sign up for my list.” If that seems a little too heavy handed, you can offer a “No thanks, just show me the results” option instead.

How to Create a Quiz

If I’ve captured your interest, I am sure your next question is  “Ok, great – but how do I create a quiz for my blog?”

One of the simplest quiz platforms out there is Interact.

This quiz builder is used by big names in the business world like:

  • Tony Robbins
  • Forbes
  • Gap
  • Eventbrite
  • NBC and more.

Why The Interact Quiz Builder?

The Interact Quiz Builder is amazing for many reasons but these are the ones that were most important to me:

Easy To Create a Quiz

I needed a quiz platform that was easy to use. I’m a solo blogger and my time is limited.

So, I was pleasantly surprised with the ease of the Interact Quiz Builder.

They really hold your hand each step of the way.

the Interact Quiz Builder

You first choose what type of quiz you want to create – an assessment or a personality quiz.

Next, you can either create your own or choose from 15 different templates.

Quiz Elements

Inside the quiz builder, you can customize every element.

You can use your own images or search for creative commons images from right within the platform.

The Interact Quiz Builder image selector

The questions and answers are all easily customizable as well.

Adding questions in the Interact Quiz Builder


You also have several options on your results pages as well.

Score your quiz takers on how they do and provide an explanation or give them a fun title based on their score.

List the correct answers, if you wish.

Customize your results in the Interact Quiz Builder.

Easy To Capture Leads

Aside from being a fun way to engage your audience, a goal of your quiz is to collect leads for your email list.

I needed this to be an easy process.

The Interact Quiz Builder integrates with many popular email services like ConverKit, ActiveCampaign, AWeber and more.

If your email service isn’t listed you can connect through Zapier or download a .csv file – so basically you are covered.

An integration allows you to create a list in your email service provider and connect that list to the Interact Quiz Builder.

Now whenever someone takes your quiz and fills out your form they are automatically added to your email list (and hopefully, you have a good email welcome sequence ready to fire).

Collecting email addresses in the Interact Quiz Builder.

Social Sharing

Social sharing is also built into the Interact Quiz Builder.

Once people get their results, they can share their results on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn along with a link to your quiz.

Now other people can take the quiz  – the intention here is to have the quiz spread virally.

The Quiz Sequence

The way the Interact Quiz Builder works is this:

  • You create a quiz
  • Then you embed the quiz on your website or on one of your social profiles
  • People come and take the quiz
  • Before they see their results, they will see a sign up page (this can either be optional or mandatory)
  • They enter their email address – which ends up in your integrated email service provider
  • And then they get to see their results
  • On your results page – you can also have a call to action button

I created this “Is Blogging Right For Me Quiz” in less than an hour (feel free to take it yourself). And so far, I have collected a bunch of leads through it.


The Interact Quiz Builder also comes with powerful analytics so you can monitor how your quiz is performing.

You can integrate with Google Analytics or use a Facebook pixel.

In addition, there are internal reports that show you how many:

  • views,
  • starts,
  • completions,
  • leads,
  • and conversions

that your quiz receives.


Another feature of the Interact Quiz Builder is the ability to set up Giveaways.

If you run giveaways on your blog, you can use this platform to embed a clean and attractive signup form in your post and to collect sign-ups via an integration with your email service provider.

Create a Quiz for Your Blog

Quizzes are a great way for people to engage with your blog or brand.

The Interact Quiz builder makes it super simple to create a quiz quickly and easily – you can even create them “on the fly”.

I encourage you to create a quiz for your blog or website and see how it works for you.

Click here to grab a 7 day free trial of the Interact Quiz Builder.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the volume of results you get from offering a quiz vs. the number of signups you get from a PDF.

Have You Offered a Quiz to Your Audience?

If you have dabbled with quizzes – tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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