Comments on: Bathroom Closet Organization Ideas Home Organization, Time Management, Productivity Tue, 30 Jan 2024 19:29:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Ravi Fri, 18 Feb 2022 06:42:52 +0000 Hi Neena,

I love your articles! I have been reading several blogs you post, and they have been very helpful in the organization process. I have a better and more organized house after following some of your tips. I really appreciate you sharing this organization process. I will definitely be using it to organize any bathroom. Thanks a lot for such helpful tips. They will definitely help me in the process. I will definitely share these tips with my friends and family members to help them organize their bathroom better as well.

By: Space Envy Wed, 02 Feb 2022 16:22:03 +0000 Lots of great tips here! Finding the right bins/baskets/containers is key. You can make sure they’re big enough for what you’re storing but not so big that you end up overbuying or over-keeping to make them full.
