Comments on: Why You NEED An Email Marketing Service for Your Blog Home Organization, Time Management, Productivity Mon, 28 Aug 2023 20:12:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neena Nandagopal Mon, 20 Jan 2020 14:49:12 +0000 In reply to Janice Stevens.

Hi Janice,
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately I cannot give you legal advice as I am not a lawyer and I find GDPR to be really confusing. But there is no requirement – as far as I know – to have an email list. If you are replying to a contact request one on one – and not sending out the same email to a group of people then it is not a newsletter – it is a reply to someone who is requesting a reply from you, which is how most businesses do business. If you are in the UK or your clientele is based in the UK, then you probably want to talk with someone who knows more about the GDPR.

Thanks again for your kind words!

By: Janice Stevens Mon, 20 Jan 2020 02:09:09 +0000 I’m going into business in the future, and I was just wondering if you could possibly tell me…do you know if I could just have a business website (with or without a blog), with out sending emails/new letters to people, and only have a “contact me” option, by email (probably my business email), and my social media contact pages? Would that comply with the new GDPR rules, etc.?? I know it’s a big question, hope you don’t mind. Your articles are very interesting, by the way!
