Comments on: Ask And It Is Given Book Review Home Organization, Time Management, Productivity Mon, 20 Sep 2021 19:49:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neena Nandagopal Wed, 24 Oct 2018 14:24:06 +0000 In reply to Liberty.

Hi Liberty,

Too funny – no I am not on a spiritual journey. This book was actually required reading for a well known business coaching program I was in a few years ago. The concepts are actually so “not me” as I lean very much towards the practical side of things.

So, I was very skeptical when I started reading. However as I dove in – I found that concepts made a lot of sense.

You should really read the book if you have time.

The Hicks Publications actually has a huge following as I was surprised to learn.

When writing this article I wasn’t coming from a parenting perspective at all. However teaching children to introspect is actually very important.

I think you have misinterpreted my summary of this book. I am not saying that people (children included) should act on their emotions. Rather they should listen to the emotions and learn from them.

If the kids are acting up, it is a good tool to circle back later in the day – When you were fighting with your sister what were you feeling? How can you handle that feeling differently next time so that you don’t fight? Of course, the conversation would be modified for the appropriate age. And it doesn’t mean that they have the maturity to never fight again. But consistently asking children to introspect and start to understand their feelings will hopefully give them the skills to “act right” on their own in the future when you are not there to guide them.

I have four children of my own who are now teens and young adults, all very close in age – so I know how chaotic a busy household can be. I think the ideas in this book probably would have helped me understand them a little better when they were younger.

From a business standpoint the book is also very useful. Often in business we impose limitations on ourselves that stop us from taking the next step or going to the next level. The ideas in this book can help people get out of their own way and step out of their comfort zone.

I am so glad that you left this comment. I had been thinking about rereading this book, since it has been quite a while since I first read it. Maybe it’s time to for me to take another look.

Have a great day!

By: Liberty Wed, 24 Oct 2018 02:44:35 +0000 Hi Neena,
You said that “we need to trust our emotions to guide us.” I disagree. I would never tell my children to let their emotions guide them. They would be a mess all day– their emotions sometimes say to fight and be angry, and not eat their vegetables. Instead, I try to teach my children to act right, even though their emotions tell them otherwise. They need to act right in spite of their emotions. As do we all.
I don’t know your background, but it appears that you are on a spiritual journey/ searching. I pray that you find the Truth. I would be glad to discuss further privately, if you like! Best Wishes!
