
Why I Switched to True Botanicals Skin Care Products

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I recently threw out all my facial products and switched to the True Botanicals line of skin care products – with only a couple of exceptions.

It was a bit of a radical move.

I have always been super interested in using more all natural products and reducing the amount of toxins in my home and life.

After all, I want what is best for my family’s health and well being.

But for some reason, I never focused too much on my skincare routine.

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I just figured if a brand was well known, then it was probably good.

Recently, however, I started reading the ingredients on the bottles of facial care products that cluttered my bathroom – and I couldn’t recognize – let alone pronounce – many of the items on the lists.

Were these good for me?

After trying to research it all – I was even more confused.

To begin with, there are the bad ingredients – like:

  • parabens,
  • phthalates,
  • aluminum,
  • DEA,
  • mineral oil (yes, mineral oil!),
  • and others.

But then there were ingredients that are supposedly helpful, like:

  • retinol,
  • alpha hydroxy,
  • hyaluronic acid,
  • peptides,
  • and others.

But here’s the thing, almost all the products on my shelf, before starting with True Botanicals, already had many of the ingredients on the good list.

My face wash, toner, serums, creams, and sunscreen – all of them had retinol, alpha hydroxy, and all that good stuff.

If every product that I use has alpha hydroxy or hyaluronic acid – is that going to strip my skin?

How much of a good thing is too much?

Like I said, it was confusing.

And, at the end of the day, after cleaning – my “normal” skin often felt tight and raw – even though I had moisturized.

So, it became my mission to find a line of skin care products that was more natural – with ingredients that were simple and easy to understand.

Enter True Botanicals

It was through this search that I learned about True Botanicals.

I am not a fashion magazine reader. I am a middle aged mom or grown children who leans towards practical side of things.

This is why I had never heard of True Botanicals – most of my facial product knowledge came from perusing products at the drugstore.

Who Owns True Botanicals?

In reading about the company, I learned that Hillary Peterson founded the company because of her own struggle with thyroid cancer.

She was frustrated by all of the additives in traditional skin products and wanted to create a line that was good for both people and the planet.

Are True Botanicals Non-Toxic?

On the True Botanicals website they state:

All of our products carry the MADE SAFE® seal, the most comprehensive safety standard available, which certifies they are made without 6,500 toxic chemicals known to harm human and environmental health. As a cruelty-free company, we are also Leaping Bunny certified, and our products are free of genetically modified organisms.


As for performance, they have even published the results of independent clinical studies here for some of their most popular products.

After reading the ingredients lists for many of the products – I knew this was something I wanted to try.

But I didn’t really know where to start.

Take the Quiz

True Botanicals products are a little bit different from traditional beauty products.

As a novice, I started by looking for a standard moisturizer.

But instead, what I found was one of their bestsellers – Pure Radiance Oil – which comes in three formulations:

  1. Clear,
  2. Renew, and
  3. Calm

My head was spinning – what did I need and how do I use it?

Luckily, True Botanicals has a Skin Care Quiz on their website.

After answering the questions, the site determines what your skin type is, and you get a personalized Skin Profile based on this and your skin care goals.

Little did I know that my seemingly “normal” skin was actually Dry – and my goals are to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

True Botanicals Daily Routine

Your personalized Skin Profile then breaks down recommended products into two categories – Essentials and Enhancements.

The Essentials are for your recommended daily routine and the Enhancements are products that can further help you achieve your skin care goals.

The Essentials

The Essentials sections outlines products that you should use on a daily basis and also when they should be used (am or pm).

My Essentials came back as this:

As you can see, the quiz results give you a roadmap as what your ideal daily skin care routine should be.

Even if you choose to buy just a few of the products, at least you know when to use them and you can identify the gaps in your routine that you can fill with products later on.

The Enhancements

Based on your quiz results, your Skin Profile also identifies products that would be beneficial to your goals but not absolutely necessary.

Mine Enhancements included the following products:

All of these products sounded so amazing – that it was really hard to pick and choose.

The Cost of True Botanicals

While I was very excited to try just about everything, you do pay for quality and True Botanicals is pricey.

However, they do offer some sets of products that cost less than if you were to buy each item individually.

I bought the Renew Flawless Glow Duo – which included the Renew Pure Radiance Oil and the Renew Repair Nightly Treatment- and a bottle of the Renew Nourishing Cleanser to start with.

I also couldn’t resist the Moisture Lock Overnight Mask – so I added that to my cart as well.

My understanding is that when it comes to True Botanicals – a little does go a long way.

I’ve seen it said that a bottle will typically last around 2 months. But I am sure that varies on how often you apply the different products based on your own daily routine.

True Botanicals Coupon Code

Luckily, I do have a True Botanicals coupon code to share with you as well.

Simply CLICK HERE to go to the True Botanicals website and use code TBAFFILIATE15 at checkout to get 15% off your order.

Moving Forward

I know, if I love the True Botanicals products that I ordered, I will be tempted to add even more products into my routine over time.

I will report back to you once I have tried these products out and let you know what I think.

My mission is to move towards being more aware of the ingredients in the products that I and my family use.

While I know I won’t be able to eliminate all the things on the “bad” list, just by increasing my awareness – I know I am moving in the right direction.

As far as cost goes, up until now – I have spent money trying many different lower cost products, which I end up wasting because I don’t like them.

Hopefully, I will stop this type of spending and just buy only the few products that I like the most.

In my first sentence – I mentioned that I would mostly be using True Botanicals with a few exceptions. I will talk about these few other products in a future article.

In the meantime, please subscribe to my newsletter here to get organizing, productivity, and self care tips via email.

Have a great day!

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