Comments on: How to Use Lists to Become Successful, Productive, and Less Stressed Home Organization, Time Management, Productivity Sat, 04 Dec 2021 14:35:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neena Nandagopal Mon, 09 Sep 2019 14:12:43 +0000 In reply to Janet Barclay.

Hi Janet,
That sounds like a great system! I really like the Todoist app. I use the Things app for my master list and project lists, which I think is quite similar. But somehow, the act of writing things down with pencil and paper (or Apple pen and iPad) makes things stick in my mind better. If I just type things into my app I usually forget about them (which is why I do review my lists regularly) but still … For me, it is always a work in progress. 😉

By: Janet Barclay Mon, 09 Sep 2019 13:32:14 +0000 I’ve been a list maker for a very long time, and they are becoming more important to me all the time. Other than lists for specific recurring tasks or events, I only keep one to-do list. I use the Todoist app, setting up a project for each area of my business and life as well as for actual client projects. With the app, I can set a priority (from 1-4) and due date. If I have an idea to be explored, I’ll add it to the list, often with a priority 4 and no date, so it’s there when I’m ready to work on something new but doesn’t distract me from my current tasks.
