Comments on: Time Management and Productivity for People Who Can’t Get Organized Home Organization, Time Management, Productivity Thu, 02 Dec 2021 14:15:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neena Nandagopal Mon, 23 Nov 2020 14:00:23 +0000 In reply to Tia.

Hi Tia,
I am SO happy that this article helped you.

It sounds like you have the start to a system that is going to work for you.

Organization is always a work in progress. But if you have systems in place then you can always pick up where you left off.

So, one thing I would mention is that when you finish your organizing for the day – make a note for yourself so you know where to start when you pick it up again.

Keep me updated with how things are going. 🙂

By: Tia Sun, 22 Nov 2020 16:53:44 +0000 Two of your suggestions are going to help enormously. Because I print everything I am drowning in paperwork. Files are bursting and time is taken to maintain and find everything/anything. I am going to learn to make files online of my email. With 60-70 emails a day that alone would enormous. I am also going to stop all paper statements from coming in the mail. The second suggestion is to set a weekly schedule to accomplish what I don’t like doing and procrastinate over. I will not only have a set weekly time for those items but a schedule and set priorities and a timer to accomplish them. Items I have to have a hard copy of will go in the safe not the file system. These two things alone will eliminate covering the queen bed in my office with items constantly needing filing. Because I love to read books more than magazines I am going to read through the magazines and dispose of them once done before starting the next book. I also won’t renew subscriptions. I am also going to stop printing recipes and set up more accessible files to find what I want online.
All of this will take considerable time to set up and my procrastination might try to interfere. So I’m going to bribe myself with reading new books, of which I have many on kindle to choose from. I play free cell and that’s only going to be a reward from now on. All this is ambitious but I am ready and I have you to thank for providing the impetuous. I’m grateful. It’s the old adage of when the student is ready the teacher will come. I am making a printing exception of this commitment to myself.
Warmly, Tia
